Food For Thought.....
OUR ENTIRE FOOD SYSTEM, the current way we grow, process and eat food in America, has a HUGE impact on; our personal health, our healthcare system, our energy [in]dependence and climate change.
Michael Pollan, a REAL Farmer's Farmer, wrote an in-depth letter to the "President-Elect" back in October 2008 which very clearly explained the problem and many things we can and should do to change course. It seems that no one I have mentioned this letter to has ever read it or heard about it. The letter has been inspirational to me as I have thought about this Farm and my extended "Farm Family", those friends and customers who come here to Sycamore Spring and rely on us to care deeply about the impact-on health, energy, climate & planet-of the food and products that we produce and supply to them.
I want to invite and encourage YOU and everyone I know to read this letter because it clearly explains so much of what I believe to be true and cries out for our farms and sensible lifestyle-to be RETURNED to US.A return to Real Community connected to Real bio-diverse & sustainable farms with Families obtaining Real nourishment from these farms-physical, mental and spiritual nourishment. By utilizing our sunshine, building healthy soils and using common sense we can accomplish a lot toward the future health, peace and security of the planet.
The letter is somewhat long-11 pages- so please try to set aside some quiet time to read it. Hopefully you will feel this time spent to have been worthwhile and beneficial from a greater understanding of the BIG picture that involves all of us.
Read Michael's letter here:
I hope you will appreciate this letter as much as I did when I read it. If you do, please pass it along.
Farmer Carol