Our Dream for the Future.......

Community ONE at Sycamore Spring Farm.
Beyond the healthfulness of our Fruits & Veggies & Meat & Eggs, you will also find a Great Sense of Community at Sycamore Spring Farm.
Our Local, Sustainable, Beyond Organic, Homestead Farm, strives to Heal our planet and our soil while producing the Healthiest of Crops to nourish our physical bodies. We will build on what is good while we work to make things better and we will do it with resilience.
Small Family Farms, like ours which open their doors and gates to their members, friends, neighbors, interns and students, create a community. Our members feel welcome as we meander among the orchards in bloom, sit under the grape arbor or admire the long neat rows of fresh herbs and salad greens. We enjoy visiting and chatting with like-minded others who understand the symbiosis between the farm and our dinner plates.
When we are ONE with a larger, yet intimate, entity it becomes a community. A community can directly impact our outlook and our health. This study; “Community belonging and self-perceived health,” found that nearly two-thirds of those who felt a strong sense of community belonging reported excellent or very good general health. Less than half of those with a very weak sense of belonging rated their health favorably.
Farms like ours, foster trust which builds good relationships and ultimately a community. When a Farmer has worked long and hard to earn the trust and respect of the friends of their farm, they want it to stay that way. The Farmer wants the atmosphere to feel safe, the customer to leave their worries in their car and know they will not be taken advantage of on this hallowed ground. Trust correlates with decreased stress, lower risks of cardiovascular disease, fewer digestive complaints and better sleep.
Sycamore Spring Farm offers a cornucopia of sights and sound, in harmony with nature. At any moment you might see baby goats playing in the field or sample sweet raspberries on your tongue or admire the arrays of colorful fruits and veggies available for take home. Around every corner, a nook or cranny to delight with; handfuls of cherries hanging from the tree, Sunflowers in full bloom, A double row of Blue Ribbon Basil or a Swarm of Honeybees. Each experience created in harmony with Mother Nature will bring balance and healing to the planet, body and soul.
We have now developed a small, caring Community that will continue to move forward, toward a more sustainable future and we will move with resilience. Farming is hard work and Sustainable farming requires herculean effort. Together, our entire Community ONE will reap the rewards of our sowing.
“Community ONE” at Sycamore Spring Farm where we have been in Transition-together for 21 years, with MUCH MORE to come.........
Beyond the healthfulness of our Fruits & Veggies & Meat & Eggs, you will also find a Great Sense of Community at Sycamore Spring Farm.
Our Local, Sustainable, Beyond Organic, Homestead Farm, strives to Heal our planet and our soil while producing the Healthiest of Crops to nourish our physical bodies. We will build on what is good while we work to make things better and we will do it with resilience.
Small Family Farms, like ours which open their doors and gates to their members, friends, neighbors, interns and students, create a community. Our members feel welcome as we meander among the orchards in bloom, sit under the grape arbor or admire the long neat rows of fresh herbs and salad greens. We enjoy visiting and chatting with like-minded others who understand the symbiosis between the farm and our dinner plates.
When we are ONE with a larger, yet intimate, entity it becomes a community. A community can directly impact our outlook and our health. This study; “Community belonging and self-perceived health,” found that nearly two-thirds of those who felt a strong sense of community belonging reported excellent or very good general health. Less than half of those with a very weak sense of belonging rated their health favorably.
Farms like ours, foster trust which builds good relationships and ultimately a community. When a Farmer has worked long and hard to earn the trust and respect of the friends of their farm, they want it to stay that way. The Farmer wants the atmosphere to feel safe, the customer to leave their worries in their car and know they will not be taken advantage of on this hallowed ground. Trust correlates with decreased stress, lower risks of cardiovascular disease, fewer digestive complaints and better sleep.
Sycamore Spring Farm offers a cornucopia of sights and sound, in harmony with nature. At any moment you might see baby goats playing in the field or sample sweet raspberries on your tongue or admire the arrays of colorful fruits and veggies available for take home. Around every corner, a nook or cranny to delight with; handfuls of cherries hanging from the tree, Sunflowers in full bloom, A double row of Blue Ribbon Basil or a Swarm of Honeybees. Each experience created in harmony with Mother Nature will bring balance and healing to the planet, body and soul.
We have now developed a small, caring Community that will continue to move forward, toward a more sustainable future and we will move with resilience. Farming is hard work and Sustainable farming requires herculean effort. Together, our entire Community ONE will reap the rewards of our sowing.
“Community ONE” at Sycamore Spring Farm where we have been in Transition-together for 21 years, with MUCH MORE to come.........