ON THIS page I would like to voice my opinion on a few subjects that are near and dear to my heart.
Most folks will have heard about these topics yet do not feel fully informed or necessarily have an opinion.
My intention is not to be controversial or politically incorrect but I must take a stand fAND and BROADCAST some serious stuff that you should know about....... because it does affect our lives.
Paragraph.#1-We must reclaim wholsome healthy food (nourishment) as sacred medicine-A dietary reform back to a traditional diet is the cure to many of our modern maladies. According to the wise ways of our ancestors practically everything that you put in or on your body is "medicine"-intended to bring vital energy, healing and nourishment or to improve a condition such as stress, addictions, food allergies, depression, chemical sensitivities and dis-ease. The ancients took for granted the essential connection between food, the health of your body, and your emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
Experience the benefits and joys of nutrient-rich foods and simple, natural approaches to bodycare. Reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals, preservatives and additives that are extremely detrimental to health and well-being. Reclaim food as sacred medicine. Learn and remember ancestral wisdoms and traditional ways to nourish yourself holistically.
I teach classes in many of the ancient ways of preparing what I referf to as "Traditional Nourishment"
Bone Broths-
Drying and fermenting were the two techniques used in food preservation. Bone Broth is an amazing addition to your diet. Full of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, collagen and trace minerals -as well as the stuff that builds glucosamine and chondroitin. And this is only the beginning. bone Broth also contains amino acids to make strong hair and nails as well as very absorbable nutrients that make for strong bones, cartilage, tendons and all of the connective tissue in the body.
Most folks will have heard about these topics yet do not feel fully informed or necessarily have an opinion.
My intention is not to be controversial or politically incorrect but I must take a stand fAND and BROADCAST some serious stuff that you should know about....... because it does affect our lives.
Paragraph.#1-We must reclaim wholsome healthy food (nourishment) as sacred medicine-A dietary reform back to a traditional diet is the cure to many of our modern maladies. According to the wise ways of our ancestors practically everything that you put in or on your body is "medicine"-intended to bring vital energy, healing and nourishment or to improve a condition such as stress, addictions, food allergies, depression, chemical sensitivities and dis-ease. The ancients took for granted the essential connection between food, the health of your body, and your emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
Experience the benefits and joys of nutrient-rich foods and simple, natural approaches to bodycare. Reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals, preservatives and additives that are extremely detrimental to health and well-being. Reclaim food as sacred medicine. Learn and remember ancestral wisdoms and traditional ways to nourish yourself holistically.
I teach classes in many of the ancient ways of preparing what I referf to as "Traditional Nourishment"
Bone Broths-
Drying and fermenting were the two techniques used in food preservation. Bone Broth is an amazing addition to your diet. Full of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, collagen and trace minerals -as well as the stuff that builds glucosamine and chondroitin. And this is only the beginning. bone Broth also contains amino acids to make strong hair and nails as well as very absorbable nutrients that make for strong bones, cartilage, tendons and all of the connective tissue in the body.